$22/monthly.Self-Cancel anytime.

Ready to level up your life with Astrology?

Stepping into knowing yourself so well that you step into your personal power, radical authenticity, deep healing, and manifesting on a whole new level?

Know Thy Self

I've been a student of real-life Astrology for 26 years and counting. This membership is a place where we learn how to use Astrology to help us in life in limitless ways.

I'm an open book. Ask me anything.

Are you in the right place? Is this for you?


Videos & Audios

Sure, there are videos, but if you prefer podcasts or audible, then you'll love the audio-only versions of each video!!


A little workbook PDF you can print off to keep all your notes in one place.

Ask me all the things!!

Members can email me and ask anything related to using astrology to help in life!!

My Magical Folks are more than welcome!!

How is this different than any other course or memebership on Astrology?

  • The basics of astrology are the same, or else it would not be a system. However, I tend to have a different or expanded take on many parts of astrology. For example, in the planets, transits, and zodiac sections, I discuss both the positives and negatives and what to watch out for in your healing journey. The evolution of the signs and planets is a big part of the journey!! A sextile isn't always "good."
  • The membership is geared toward learning to use your natal chart to help you gain guidance, insight, and understanding in every aspect of self and earth life. Money problems? I won't tell you to just look at money stuff in your chart. That would be like diagnosing a life problem but just looking at your foot. We look at you as the whole along with certain areas at the same time. An issue with a family member? Yes, your chart can give you ideas on how to approach the problem as well as how to go about solving it!!
  • I do not gatekeep. I like to keep things simple and try my best to do that in the membership. Members can request anything!! I have combined all my years of using Astrology in life, all my years of healing my own and helping others heal abundance blocks, and a lot of channeling into one membership.

Frequently Asked Questions

Refunds? Can I cancel?

There are no refunds. You can self-cancel anytime. You can leave and come back whenever you want!!

Is this good for beginners? Intermediate?

This is absolutely perfect for beginners and even for those who are more intermediate. I teach all the basics of astrology and then focus on using astrology to help you with healing, getting to know yourself, and how to use it in real-life earth problems.

Do I have to memorize anything?

NO! I don't even remember the symbol for Uranus half the time!! We keep things as simple as possible. I do have more resources on the way to help reference everything and where you can put your own observations.

Questions? You can hit us up on Instagram here.

Prefer email? support@lindalantz.com

Come on in and join us!! Self-cancel at any time. Come back any time. No refunds.

$22 USD monthly

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